Zoom Meeting to learn more about S.2030/H.1905, An Act Establishing A [5-year] Jail and Prison Construction Moratorium. We’ll discuss what this bill does and doesn’t do, how it would be implemented, and what it would mean for Massachusetts to invest $50 million into communities, instead of incarceration.
January 22 at 7:00 on Zoom
Senator Jo Comerford
Rep Chynah Tyler
Andrea James, founder of National Council for Incarcerated & Formerly Incarcerated Women & Girls
Mahtowin Monro, Co-leader of the United American Indians of New England
Click here to register to attend. All registrants will receive a follow-up email including a link to the recorded event, additional information from our speakers, and other ways to get and stay involved in the fight for a more just Massachusetts.
Sponsored by:
Act on Mass, Democratic town committees of 18 towns including the Lincoln Democratic Town Committee, Families for Justice as Healing, UCC Actual Justice Task Team, Progressive Mass and Mass Peace Action.