The Annual Picnic! All local area Democrats are invited by the Third Middlesex Area Democrats and Carlisle Democratic Town Committee to attend the Democratic Town Committees picnic. Democratic Elected officials have been invited to speak. Cookout food and refreshments will be provided. Donations of side dishes and desserts are welcomed. Plenty of time to schmooze and meet other engaged Democrats in the area.
Saturday, August 5: from 1-4
64 Timothy Lane Carlisle (at Bob and Marsha Wallhagen's house)
Suggested $10/person.
Contributions made be made securely online through Act Blue at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/3mcannualpicnic
Carpooling together from Lincoln
Additional Info:
All vaccinated people are welcome to this backyard cookout.
For information contact: thirdmiddlesexareadems@gmail.com
Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/73XIpUVxS